Wednesday 21 December 2011

Getting a house in Agonda

We settled on a house in the village. We had looked at places on the beach but we liked the idea of living in the village. It is only 2kms from the beach front so we have hired a scooter to get around. It is an old Goan style house with a lovely big balcony to sit out in. Behind the house is just woods and hills. In all the surrounding houses are local Goan families.
Our nearest neighbours are Pamela, James and their 2 children (soon to be 3 as Pamela is pregnant). She invited us over on the first day for a cup of tea. I went but, of course, Colin declined. Goa is predominately catholic so she asked me 'do you believe in the Holy Virgin Mary'. A bit shell shocked I told her 'of course I do'. Obviously the wrong answer as she then invited us to join her on Sunday to go to chapel. Whatever floats your boat, but not my idea of how to spend a Sunday morning and certainly not Prody Colins! When leaving she made me promise to return soon and I told her that she was welcome to come over to me. She advised me that this was not possible as her husband has a carpenter business at the back of the hose and she is very busy cooking for their '6 slave workers'!
It was great to be in the house on the first night as it felt more like a home than a hotel. We have cable TV with English channels so Coiln can watch the football, Scottish and English, the news, national geographic, animal planet and several English movie channels. So we will be back to watching the horrendous 9pm movie. We really have watched some crackers!
Disaster struck. Got up in the morning and I was covered, head to toe, in bed bug bites. We were really disappointed because we loved the house but knew we couldn't stay there if we were going to have night-time nibblers every night in bed. We checked on the internet and discovered that bed bug bites can take a few days to show up on your skin and also that some people do not get bitten, hence Colin was bite free. We decided that the only way to find out if I got the bites from the bed in the house was to sleep in it for another few nights. I tell you, I wasn't happy getting into bed the next night. I hardly slept and jumped when I thought anything touched me. Luckily I didn't get any more bites so the bed bugs must have bitten me in somewhere I stayed before we moved into the house. Thought that was then end of the disasters but there were others to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Frances and Colin

    Well I have been home for nearly 6 weeks and this has been the first time I have actually had the time to sit and read your blog...instead of just gazing at the photos..

    I am enjoying your writing style Frances. Life is much quieter here at home than India I can tell you. I am planning to get back to India for a longer stay. though it may take me 12 months to save up enough.

    Missing you all heaps. have just been watching some of my video footage taken all over India...ahhh cant wait to be back there.

    Marg and Bhadra are good. though bud has had a kidney infection. Our monsoon has started in earnest now, we are getting some good heavy falls. though further south in nsw they have major and serious flooding and it is still raining there.

    Ok you two. take care of yourselves and give my love to Raghu and Tina and all the boys, particularly Rham and John...Bye for now

    Jenn Murphy
