Tuesday 15 May 2012

3 weeks in Melaka

We weren't able to go and explore somewhere else nearby for a couple of days, during our time in Melaka, as none of us had a passport to book travel tickets or book into a hotel. As we had seen all that there was to see in Melaka the last time we had been there, we so just had a lazy chilled-out time. We went for walks around the town or down by the riverside, read books, listened to music, ate great food and had some good laughs. Breakfast was a provided, help yourself meal and Colin and I would often prepare our lunch in the guesthouse as guests had access to the kitchen. A wee sneaky trip to Tesco at the outer edge of town provided us with lunch-time delicasies - cheese, cold meats, pate ect - not very Malaysian, but when you haven't had these foods in a while they are a real delight.
In the evenings we would wander out for something to eat. Around the Old Town Guesthouse there are a large selection of really good cheap restaurants and hawker stalls. After dinner we would wander back to the guesthouse sit outside and have a beer, maybe watch a DVD, talk to other travellers or sit and have a chat with Christophe and Lee Sun. They were really good company and we got on well together. What I really like about this guesthouse is that, if you are a chatty sociable person you'll find people to chat to, but if you are a quiet private person who likes their own company you will find that here also.
Christophe and Lee Sun invited us to Easter Sunday lunch. It was the full works, roast chicken, roast potatoes and really nice Malysian food. We only got to eat this great food after we had eaten our way through a selection of lovely starters. And no meal is complete without one of Christope or Lee Sun's puddings. Needless to say we spent the rest of the afternoon doing nothing but digesting food.
During our stay the family went on holiday to Singapore for 1 week. We remained staying in the guesthouse as did a Croation guy who was staying there for a few months whilst writing a book about his travels in Afganhistan and French guy who was also staying for a while. So the guesthouse was closed with the exception of us four. Colin was on fish feeding duties and I was on plant watering duties - I have never been able to keep a plant for long without killing it! There are 2 big airey sitting rooms in the guesthouse with a few fish tanks in each and many plants - this is what gives you the feeling that you are sitting in a garden, when lounging in the sitting room during the day. The plants were really green and healthy but by the time Christophe and Lee Sun came back, some were a bit brown and withered looking, despite me following the plant watering instructions to the letter. Colin fared better with the fish. Colin thought the fish looked like they had grown and thrived under his care but in actual fact they just looked the same! Didn't tell him that though. He was like a big kid when he was feeding them as he was delighted when the fish would come up to the surface when he approached them with food. The first time this happened I was in the other room and and Colin shouted 'quick, come here, you need to see this'. I thought it was something important, but alas it was just the fish coming to the surface for food.

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