The structure to the far right of our house is a battery chicken farm, owned by the guy who we rent the house from. It is about 20 times the length of what you can see and has thousands and thousands of chickens in it. Colin warned me not to go and look inside but of course I had to and ended up upset. Poor things are squashed together and are only being fed to be killed. Even though they are close to the house you don't smell them, maybe because they are not killed here. They are taken down to the Guy's house to be killed. You don't hear them either unless there is a power cut at night and the lecky goes off. Then they squalk because they are stressed. Luckily that only happens infrequently and doesn't last for long. Despite this we decided to buy some chicken from the guy, as we hadn't been eating meat, but that's a story for another day!

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