Tuesday 16 October 2012

Sunday lunch at the Tennis Club

We took Jenny the mad Aussie to the Tennis club for Sunday lunch for a good feed of chicken as she hadn't had any meat since she came to India 5 weeks before. Bhadra didn't come as she is vegetarian and the smell of cooking chicken can be overpowering (and oh so wonderful). It was still monsoon time hence all the lawyers of clothing and grey skys.

Colin and Jenny.

View from the Tennis Club with the monsoon skys. The view is much nicer when the monsoon is finished and the sky is clear blue.

Jenny was on the back of Dave's bike and I was on the back of ours. Jenny and I had to walk for a bit as the condition of the road was very poor. We had arranged to meet the boys at the bridge but we soon caught up with them long before they got to the bridge as there was a traffic jam involving cars and goats.

And the goats just kept coming and coming.

Jenny and I made our 10 minute walk down to the bridge but the traffic was so backed up it didn't look like the boys would be arriving any time soon. This road, believe it or not, is not just for one-way traffic.

Waiting at the rickety bridge for the boys. This bridge is also not one-way traffic.

Safely across the bridge. I braved it across on the back of the bike despite a similar bridge a few miles up the road falling down into the river due to the force of the monsoon rains!

Waiting for Dave and Jenny. Colin had his back to the bridge and was constantly asking me were they crossing yet. Need to be more daring in traffic jams Dave.

Finally, full-bellied we got back to Vashisht. These mannequins outside a clothes shop in Vashisht are just near the path that we walk along to get home to the house. Bit scarey don't you think?
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