Monday 13 February 2012

Our neighbours baby's Baptism

Last Sunday we were invited Pamela and James's baby's baptism. It was quite different from a Baptism in the UK. The family attended the Chapel early in the morning. At 1 o'clock they let off fireworks at the house to let people know it was time to come to the house to celebrate with them. They had a big tarpaulin set up in the garden with seats around the table where the christening cake was. We were served sandwiches and a soft drink for the women and a beer for the men. I was the only woman who was offered a beer and obviously had to decline. They said prayers and then they had the cutting of the cake and we all sang 'happy christening' to the tune of happy birthday. During the singing, the cherub in the top photo burst open and dislodged lots of glitter and small polystyrene balls. It was really nice. A two course meal, which had been cooked by Pamela and her family in pots half the size of a bathtub, was then served to us on our laps. The food was excellent. 1 hour later, as soon as the food was eaten, people left. Pamela told us that there was a party in the evening with singing and beer but we had already made plans to go to our friend's house (Michael, who is half owner of Tina Beach Resort) who was having a party. That party was certainly a bit more wild. There was Michael and his Polish girlfriend Ega, and English couple, Barry and Sandra, 2 English guys that were in India for 2 weeks, 2 of Michael's friends who had came here for 5 days to bring his dogs out from the UK on the plane and Ragu. Colin and I left fairly early as Michael was blasting out the music at full volume, as per usual, as the neighbours were non too pleased (most locals in the village are in their beds by 10 o'clock). Barry and Sandra are a great couple who were here on holiday and whom we became good friends with. Sandra was a riot and our girlie September weekend crowd would love her. Just as she was finishing a G&T she would say 'I'll have a cigarette to finish my gin'. When she finished her gin she would say 'I still have a bit of this cigarette left so I better get another gin. And on it went. There were a few for the road. They have left Agonda now and are missed. Hopefully they will be back next year.

1 comment:

  1. Sandra certainly sounds like our kind of girl Fran, lol
